“I feel like a terrible mother,” a friend shared with me recently. I could easily relate to the fear that erupted when her child disappointed her expectations. How often do we speak to our children about how they need to behave and they fail miserably. Like we do with God. Now I’ve done it and meddled in an area that may cause my readers to shut down and look for something more uplifting to read.
In case you’ve stayed, God loves you. We may overreact to another’s failure because we don’t really know this truth. No matter how many times we fail, no matter what we have done, He loves you and me. He died to show us this love.
As we grow in our relationship to Him, we allow Him to transform how we think about our lives and those He’s given us to share it with.
What do you and I say to those who share their failures and disappointments with those they love? Picture the cross. The vertical bar represents our relationship to God, the horizontal, our relationship to our fellow men [including our children]. When the horizontal becomes dysfunctional, we can go to the vertical bar and cry, “Abba, Father!” The good news is that He is already there with arms opened wide.